Gingerbread House Preschool Location
Gingerbread House Preschool is located within the Zionsville Christian Church.
120 N. 9th Street
Zionsville, Indiana 46077
Click on the Red Balloon above “Zionsville” to open Google Maps to our location.
“My daughter attended Gingerbread for two years and it was a wonderful experience. She loved the teachers and the school and she was always excited to attend. The school felt familiar and like a community and we will miss it as she moves onto kindergarten. I feel that Gingerbread has well prepared her for school academically and even more so socially and emotionally. She has gained confidence and independence at Gingerbread. I feel confident in sending her to school, knowing that Gingerbread has helped prepare her academically and for participating in the routines of a classroom.”
Excerpt from parent review on Google search
Steve Jones, church music director, demonstrates the pipe organ.