Gingerbread House Preschool has the lowest student:teacher ratio (6:1) and the most qualified, highly educated, and experienced faculty of any preschool in Indiana.
Every class of 12 students has two teachers (6:1), except for the 2s classes which have only 6 students for two teachers (3:1). All of the teachers have bachelor’s degrees, most in education, and several have master’s degrees. All of our teachers are expert educators, providing individual attention and careful supervision of each child's development. Learning is fun, and our students love learning, an essential building block of lifelong success and happiness. Our teachers nurture the academic, emotional, social, and physical development of our students. The program includes reading skills, writing skills, math skills, science, art, music, cooking, and music and movement.
Registration is open for the
2025-2026 School Year.
Registration must be done in-person at the school.
Click here to see the Class Schedules and Fees.
“A kind, loving, and fun learning environment. I toured several preschools and ended up falling in love with this one. Small class sizes, excellent teachers, fantastic program director, and a wonderful learning environment! My daughter truly excelled, and most importantly loved going to school! I highly recommend this preschool. They come out of this preschool truly ready for kindergarten!”
Excerpt from parent review on Google search